2022/23 Music Classes – 14-17 years (M4-D2)
Afterschool Music Academy classes are located at the SIS San Roque Boarding House (transport available)
1:1 Lessons are held at SIS main campus, 9am-3pm, Mon-Fri
MONDAYS (7-8pm)
7:00-8:00pm Piano
6:30-7:30pm Guitar
THURSDAYS (4:30-7:30pm)
4:30-5:30pm Vocal Technique*
5:30-6:30pm Vocal Repertoire**
– 6:30-7:30pm Piano or,
– 6:30-7:30pm Songwriting & Recording
SATURDAYS (10-1 / 2-3pm)
10:00-11:00am Vocal Technique*
– 11:00-12:00pm Vocal Repertoire** or,
– 11:00-12:00pm Guitar
12:00-1:00pm Piano
2:00-3:00pm Guitar
Email: sismusic@sis.gl
Short breaks occur between classes
* Vocal Technique conditions the body and vocal cords correctly for singing; Covers proper breathing, vowel
placement, vibrato, timbre, registers, passagio, belting, articulation, agility, intonation, harmony, etc…
** Vocal Repertoire class is preparing songs for performance or accredited examinations.
FEES (per week)
€22.50 for one class
€41.00 for two classes
€60.00 for three classes
€78.00 for four classes
€97.50 for five classes
€111.00 for six classes
Weekly materials fee €2 (this includes membership to betterpracticeapp.com, as well as method books,
sheet music and access to all audio and video practice materials.)
1:1 lessons (30 minutes) when enrolled in an after-school class, €21.
1:1 lessons if not enrolled in an after school class, €22.50 + materials fee.
For more information
Email: lkrier@sis.gl
Whatsapp: +34 605.02.7750
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